Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - October 1929
THE SOLAR ANNUAL FESTIVAL, A. K. 90, in commemoration of the birth of our Beloved -Leader, will be observed as usual at the Unity on the Eighteenth of October, 1929. The nine- tieth Anniversary of the birth of KORESH is fraught with meaning to his followers here; for before his de- parture from our midst he said in substance that the most important part of his work would be performed in the succeeding twenty years; also that the principal events of his life occurred in cycles of thirty. All these culminate with the forthcoming Anniversary. In retrospection, w-e note the things that have transpired in the past twenty years, and particularly that the sum total of human happiness has taken a decided slump. In "'The Guiding Star" of August, 1888, KORESH said: " About 1914 will occur those special events, agreeing in this age with the destruc- tion of J erqsalem some seventy years after the birth of J esus the Christ." What took place in August, 1914 (30 years to the month) , and the subsequent five years, are still vivid in . our memory; the nations of the earth are still groaning under financial burdens, and the labor situation, not to speak of the agonized sufferings as the result of the World War .Everything was thrown out of balance then, and we have every reason to believe that the com- petitive system will never regain its former foothold, for KORESH says in substance, that the competitive system has in it the seeds of its own destruction. .We apparently have made great progress in the l?ast few years, along mechanical and electrical lines, so much so that. the present time is talked of as the "robot age." The world should welcome progress along all inventional line~, for all useful 'inventions should lighten men's burdens; but when thousands of people are thrown out of employment and deprived of the means of earning a livelihood, the so called progress seems more of a curse than a blessing, This, however , is only another sign of the perversity of the competi- tive system, which ultimately will bring about its own downfall. KORESH says : "It is useless for the people to rely on what any political party may offer as a pledge for the correction of the trust plague. The trust is the money power; it has come to stay until the end. Those predictions founded upon the philanthropy of the millionaire are falsely predicated, and are only intended to deceive. ... "When the Jewish church reached the limit of its. corruptibility (when the dispensation had attained the fulness of its iniquity) , it was obliterated in the bloody catastrophe in which the age terminated. ...The Christian age will end in a greater revolution, in a greater catastrophe; but before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, now at hand, Elijah the Prophet- God the Lord in person, will appear to inaugurate a greater baptism than that by which the Christian dis- pensation was ushered in. ... "Koreshanity is the ark of safety. God has pre- pared this place and ark of safety from the storms of revolution about to sweep the face of the-earth, the storms through which the old heaven and the old earth will be made to pass a,way. The old church and state are grown hoary with. age and iniquity; with the besom of destruction they are to be swept away in the new' light and glory of the ages." (F. S., Oct. 1908.) We have as guest at the present writing, Alton Bessemer. of Washington, D. C. Alton's mother, fami!iarly known to us as Sister Emily, came to the Unity with her five children. It was pleasing to hear Alton say: "It is good to be home again !" A few days later, Dean Gilbert also arrived "home," in the Unity, where his mother, Sister Rose Gilbert, our post mistress, has resided for many years. The familiar haunts in the Unity and surroundings fairly bristled with interest for t}lese "boys," especially "' Amity" (where they were both domiciled for a time) , and "The ole swimmin' ole," a few paces away. It is difficult to decide who gets the greatest thrill from these "boys" coming home; whether it is they or the older members, for their coming ha~ surely given us much pleasure, and we hope they will come often, for "the latch string is always out." Sister Tacy Weaver spent a couple of weeks visit- ing her si8ter at Orlando, Florida; Sister Ella Graham spent three weeks with her folks at Miami, Fla., and at the present writing brother J ames Russell Price and Sister Adah are in Chicago, and from there they went to Omaha for a visit with other relatives. Dr. J. R. Petersen of Bonita Groves, Homestead, Florida, lectured in the Unity Art Hall, August 27, his subject being: Tropical Plants, of much economic value that can be grown in Florida. Th~ Doctor fairly bubbles with enthusiasm when talking about Florida and its possibilities, the surface of which, he says, has not been scratched. The hall was well filled with plant lovers from Ft. Myers, Punta Gorda, and Estero. The Doctor brought with him a large variety of cuttings from his Bonita Groves, some with fruit at- tached, and for about two and a half hours he dis- coursed on the merits of the remarkable things he is now demonstrating at Homestead. Space forbids a recitai of the things he talked about, but those of our readers who take The American Eagle must have reveled in Brother Allen's account of the meeting, in the August 29 -issue. It is encouraging to say that many of the choice fruits the Doctor talked about are now growing in the Unity Park, thanks to Dr. Petersen for giving them to us. These plants are most carefully looked after by Brother Theodore Naeselius.