The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - January 1927
THE UNITY was delighted with a few days' visit from Mrs. Jeannie Miller of Hood River, Ore- -gon. Mrs. Miller is one of the many loyal friends of the Koreshan Unity which dates back to the early days of the movement in Chicago. It is about eight years since Mrs. Miller was here last and since then she has been for a trip around the world and naturally had many interesting things to relate of her travels. She came direct to Florida from the Ses- qui-Centennial, recently closed in Philadelphia; while she saw much to enjoy at the Sesqui, it didn't begin to hold her interest, she says, like the Centennial Exposi- tion held in the same city in 1876. Mrs. Miller is in Florida for the winter and is staying with her rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller of Chicago and Fort Myers. Messrs. Alfred and Robert Graham of Miami, Florida, pleasantly surprised us by appearing unan- nounced recently for a few days' visit with the Unity. Since our last notes the writer, in company with Ray- mond Trebell, had the pleasure of visiting the Grahams at their home in Miami, and everything possible was done to make our short stay there a joyous one. Miami is a city of many charms, situated as it is on beautiful Biscayne Bay and the shores of the Atlantic. This city and surrounding territory caught the full brunt of the hurricane September last, and while it was tremendously hit, the recovery has been very re- markable. Motoring through Coral Gables, with its magnifi- cent wide streets and beautiful homes, we saw very little to remind us of the hurricane; but continuing through Coconut Grove, an older residential section of Miami, we were made conscious of the ravages of the storm, not so much, however, to dwellings as to trees and shrubbery. We stopped en route to see some of the interesting sights, such as the remarkable Venetian bathing pool at Coral Gables, with its unusual rustic features of N ature in the form of coral rqck fully preserved in the construction. The Biltmore Hotel at Coral Gables has in connection with it also a most remarkable swim- ming pool. This hotel is one of the most ornate struc- tures in the country, built at a cost of ten million dollars; but space does not permit a recital of its many interesting features. The Bryan Memorial at Coconut Grove is also one of the attractions, and the effects of the storm were quite noticeable here. It will take more " than one storm, however, to rob Miami of its well mer- ited title, the Magic City. From West Palm Beach to Miami we had the pleasure of the company of Dr. Benedict Lust of New York City and Tangerine, Florida. Dr. Lust had but recently returned from a visit to his fatherland, where he received many honors for the great service he has rendered the cause of drugless healing and where na- turopathy takes precedence over other systems of heal- ing. He was happy to note for once the converse to be true that: " A prophet is not .witho\\t honor, save in his own country, and in his oWn house." rfr. Lust came to America over thir\y years ago from Germany with a direct commissionj'f'rom Father Kneipp to teach Americans the virtue of naturopathy. That he has succeeded in his mission is amply testified. by the thou- sands of naturopaths practising in this country today, and we hope to see the day when he will be nationally acclaimed for the wonderful work he has accomplished in behalf of Buffering humanity. Brother Henry Silverfriend has arranged with the caladium king, Dr. Nehrling of Naples, Florida, to dis- pose of his stock of caladium bulbs this season, so in the interest of this business, he and Laurence Bubbett called recently upon the leading nursel'Y men between Fort Myers, Orlando, and St. Petersburg. The Seaboard Air Line expects to run its first passenger train through Estero to Naples (its ter- minus) J anuary 7, 1927. Pres. Warfield expects to bring with him a party of 350 notables and great prep- arations are being made in Fort Myers for their re- ception. To quote from The Palm Leaf: "Two hun- dred members of the party will board the special at N ew York when it leaves for the sunny South and Fort Myers on the evening of January 5, and 150 more guests will be picked up on the journey south. ... The celebration, with a mammoth motorcade, banquet, and gala events, is being sponsored by the Pageant Association in co-operation with all the civic clubs in the city. Fort Myers will appear at her best, arrayed in many colors, and neat as a new pin for the reception of her famous guests." Mr. August N aeselius of Brooklyn, N. Y ., is a guest of the Unity at the .present writing. He came to visit his brother Theodore, who is a member of the Colony. Mr. Naeselius is so impressed with our won- derful climate that he will very likely make his future home in the sunny South. Sister Cora Stephens, accompanied by her daugh- ter Alafae, Irene Wyka, and Raymond Trebell, motored to Montverde, Florida, and back to Estero the same day, a journey of about 400 miles. Mace Stephens, who is attending. the Industrial School at Montverde, returned with his mother and will spend the holidays in Estero. We deeply regret to record the passing out of our faithful Sister Susanna Ehrisman. She was eight years beyond the allotted three score and ten, and thirty-six of these she spent in loyal devotion to the Master and his Cause.
THE UNITY was delighted with a few days' visit from Mrs. Jeannie Miller of Hood River, Ore- -gon. Mrs. Miller is one of the many loyal friends of the Koreshan Unity which dates back to the early days of the movement in Chicago. It is about eight years since Mrs. Miller was here last and since then she has been for a trip around the world and naturally had many interesting things to relate of her travels. She came direct to Florida from the Ses- qui-Centennial, recently closed in Philadelphia; while she saw much to enjoy at the Sesqui, it didn't begin to hold her interest, she says, like the Centennial Exposi- tion held in the same city in 1876. Mrs. Miller is in Florida for the winter and is staying with her rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller of Chicago and Fort Myers. Messrs. Alfred and Robert Graham of Miami, Florida, pleasantly surprised us by appearing unan- nounced recently for a few days' visit with the Unity. Since our last notes the writer, in company with Ray- mond Trebell, had the pleasure of visiting the Grahams at their home in Miami, and everything possible was done to make our short stay there a joyous one. Miami is a city of many charms, situated as it is on beautiful Biscayne Bay and the shores of the Atlantic. This city and surrounding territory caught the full brunt of the hurricane September last, and while it was tremendously hit, the recovery has been very re- markable. Motoring through Coral Gables, with its magnifi- cent wide streets and beautiful homes, we saw very little to remind us of the hurricane; but continuing through Coconut Grove, an older residential section of Miami, we were made conscious of the ravages of the storm, not so much, however, to dwellings as to trees and shrubbery. We stopped en route to see some of the interesting sights, such as the remarkable Venetian bathing pool at Coral Gables, with its unusual rustic features of N ature in the form of coral rqck fully preserved in the construction. The Biltmore Hotel at Coral Gables has in connection with it also a most remarkable swim- ming pool. This hotel is one of the most ornate struc- tures in the country, built at a cost of ten million dollars; but space does not permit a recital of its many interesting features. The Bryan Memorial at Coconut Grove is also one of the attractions, and the effects of the storm were quite noticeable here. It will take more " than one storm, however, to rob Miami of its well mer- ited title, the Magic City. From West Palm Beach to Miami we had the pleasure of the company of Dr. Benedict Lust of New York City and Tangerine, Florida. Dr. Lust had but recently returned from a visit to his fatherland, where he received many honors for the great service he has rendered the cause of drugless healing and where na- turopathy takes precedence over other systems of heal- ing. He was happy to note for once the converse to be true that: " A prophet is not .witho\\t honor, save in his own country, and in his oWn house." rfr. Lust came to America over thir\y years ago from Germany with a direct commissionj'f'rom Father Kneipp to teach Americans the virtue of naturopathy. That he has succeeded in his mission is amply testified. by the thou- sands of naturopaths practising in this country today, and we hope to see the day when he will be nationally acclaimed for the wonderful work he has accomplished in behalf of Buffering humanity. Brother Henry Silverfriend has arranged with the caladium king, Dr. Nehrling of Naples, Florida, to dis- pose of his stock of caladium bulbs this season, so in the interest of this business, he and Laurence Bubbett called recently upon the leading nursel'Y men between Fort Myers, Orlando, and St. Petersburg. The Seaboard Air Line expects to run its first passenger train through Estero to Naples (its ter- minus) J anuary 7, 1927. Pres. Warfield expects to bring with him a party of 350 notables and great prep- arations are being made in Fort Myers for their re- ception. To quote from The Palm Leaf: "Two hun- dred members of the party will board the special at N ew York when it leaves for the sunny South and Fort Myers on the evening of January 5, and 150 more guests will be picked up on the journey south. ... The celebration, with a mammoth motorcade, banquet, and gala events, is being sponsored by the Pageant Association in co-operation with all the civic clubs in the city. Fort Myers will appear at her best, arrayed in many colors, and neat as a new pin for the reception of her famous guests." Mr. August N aeselius of Brooklyn, N. Y ., is a guest of the Unity at the .present writing. He came to visit his brother Theodore, who is a member of the Colony. Mr. Naeselius is so impressed with our won- derful climate that he will very likely make his future home in the sunny South. Sister Cora Stephens, accompanied by her daugh- ter Alafae, Irene Wyka, and Raymond Trebell, motored to Montverde, Florida, and back to Estero the same day, a journey of about 400 miles. Mace Stephens, who is attending. the Industrial School at Montverde, returned with his mother and will spend the holidays in Estero. We deeply regret to record the passing out of our faithful Sister Susanna Ehrisman. She was eight years beyond the allotted three score and ten, and thirty-six of these she spent in loyal devotion to the Master and his Cause.