The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - November 1930
THE SOLAR Festival on October 18, commemo- rating the 91st Anniversary of the birth of KORESH, was observed by the Unity with the impressiveness due the occasion. As usual, it inspired a feeling of grati~ude for the privilege of being able to help carry on a work which to us is unquestionably the greatest movement in the world today. The dining hall was beautifully decorated with a wealth of color and tropical verdure from the Unity nursery. Adorning the Master's table was an exquisite bouquet of lotus lilies from our own lily pond. By the way, the pond is covered this year with a profusion of the most gorgeous lilies imaginable. - Letters of felicitation from devoted friends from all parts of the country were read during the dinner hour, and the expression of love and loyalty for our Beloved Master and his Cause was exceedingly encour- aging to the "little flock" left here to carr~~n. This spirit of co-operation is really a big factor in the carry- ing on of the Koreshan movement; and words are inadequate to convey our appreciation to our friends for their loyal !support. The Koreshan Unity is rich in everything pertain.. ing to the truth. As one reader recen"irY expressed it : "The legacy which KORESH has left the world already stands as a lasting monument to his name." The doctrines "are a priceless inheritance, and I hope I may prove a worthy recipient." This undoubtedly ex- presses the feeling and appreciation of most of the readers of THE FLAMING SWORD. Though the Master has been away from his "little flock" for many years, yet his presence seemed very near to his people on his Natal Day; especially was this felt during the Commemorati'on Service at the Unity Art Hall, which had been exquisitely decorated for the occasion. The orations from the writings of KORESH were exceedingly impressive and left one without a doubt that CYRUS was the only Pivot in which Koreshans should center their thoughts and affections. The music by the orchestra was delightful, and the congregation sang the Koreshan songs with a warmth and feeling that only such Koreshan words can inspire. The pro- gram was as follows : 1 ORCHESTRA " A Summer Dream" Flath 2 SONG "Grace to the King" E. M. Ca,S'tle Congregation 3 INVOCATION Koresh Read by Brother Henry D. Silverfriend 4 ORCHESTRA "Bowl of Pansies" Jules Reynard 5 ORATION From the Writings of Koresh Brother David J. Richards 6 "Meditation" Go'1tnod Flute, Floyd Moreland; Violin, Harold Mor~land Piano, Edith Trebell; Organ, L. W. Bubbett 7 ORATION F~m the Writings of Koresh Sister Etta Silverfriend .8 VOCAL SOLO "Invocation" Adapted to Godard's Berceuse from "Jocelyn" by Lo W. B'1tbbett Brother David J. Richards Violin Obbligato, Harold Moreland . 9 ORATION From the Writings of Koresh Brother Henry D. Silverfriend 10 ORCHESTRA "Water Lilies" Floyd J. St. Clair 11 SONG "The Messenger" E. M. Castle Congregation 12 PRAYER by Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend Response by the Congregation 13 ANTHEM "Lift Up your Heads, O Ye Gates" - Congregation 14 Recessional - Orchestra It was a pleasure to have so many friends from Fort Myers and elsewhere present at the above Service, and it is to be hoped they will continue coming to our Sunday evening Services, which have now been re- sumed and will continue until the hot weather next ~ summer. We had with us, in addition to guests from the immediate neighborhood, on the Birthday, Brother Alfred Graham and his son Lloyd, from Miami, Florida. Sister Ella Graham returned with them to Miami for a vacation. Harold Price Cook and Roger Rilleau, of New York 1 City, arrived in Estero on a motorcycle and were guests of the Unity for some days. Harl is a grandson of Doctor J. R. Price, and lived in the Unity for a while. The boys had a wonderful time while here, fishing and swimming. Harl contributes one story a month to the True Story magazine. It gives us great pleasure to announce in this issue e the return of Brother William F. Fischer, after an absence of two years from the Unity. Brother William believes implicitly in the Master, and says he is glad to get back home again; needless to say we are glad to have him, for his assistance is most urgently needed i at this time, especially in the agricultural department.
THE SOLAR Festival on October 18, commemo- rating the 91st Anniversary of the birth of KORESH, was observed by the Unity with the impressiveness due the occasion. As usual, it inspired a feeling of grati~ude for the privilege of being able to help carry on a work which to us is unquestionably the greatest movement in the world today. The dining hall was beautifully decorated with a wealth of color and tropical verdure from the Unity nursery. Adorning the Master's table was an exquisite bouquet of lotus lilies from our own lily pond. By the way, the pond is covered this year with a profusion of the most gorgeous lilies imaginable. - Letters of felicitation from devoted friends from all parts of the country were read during the dinner hour, and the expression of love and loyalty for our Beloved Master and his Cause was exceedingly encour- aging to the "little flock" left here to carr~~n. This spirit of co-operation is really a big factor in the carry- ing on of the Koreshan movement; and words are inadequate to convey our appreciation to our friends for their loyal !support. The Koreshan Unity is rich in everything pertain.. ing to the truth. As one reader recen"irY expressed it : "The legacy which KORESH has left the world already stands as a lasting monument to his name." The doctrines "are a priceless inheritance, and I hope I may prove a worthy recipient." This undoubtedly ex- presses the feeling and appreciation of most of the readers of THE FLAMING SWORD. Though the Master has been away from his "little flock" for many years, yet his presence seemed very near to his people on his Natal Day; especially was this felt during the Commemorati'on Service at the Unity Art Hall, which had been exquisitely decorated for the occasion. The orations from the writings of KORESH were exceedingly impressive and left one without a doubt that CYRUS was the only Pivot in which Koreshans should center their thoughts and affections. The music by the orchestra was delightful, and the congregation sang the Koreshan songs with a warmth and feeling that only such Koreshan words can inspire. The pro- gram was as follows : 1 ORCHESTRA " A Summer Dream" Flath 2 SONG "Grace to the King" E. M. Ca,S'tle Congregation 3 INVOCATION Koresh Read by Brother Henry D. Silverfriend 4 ORCHESTRA "Bowl of Pansies" Jules Reynard 5 ORATION From the Writings of Koresh Brother David J. Richards 6 "Meditation" Go'1tnod Flute, Floyd Moreland; Violin, Harold Mor~land Piano, Edith Trebell; Organ, L. W. Bubbett 7 ORATION F~m the Writings of Koresh Sister Etta Silverfriend .8 VOCAL SOLO "Invocation" Adapted to Godard's Berceuse from "Jocelyn" by Lo W. B'1tbbett Brother David J. Richards Violin Obbligato, Harold Moreland . 9 ORATION From the Writings of Koresh Brother Henry D. Silverfriend 10 ORCHESTRA "Water Lilies" Floyd J. St. Clair 11 SONG "The Messenger" E. M. Castle Congregation 12 PRAYER by Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend Response by the Congregation 13 ANTHEM "Lift Up your Heads, O Ye Gates" - Congregation 14 Recessional - Orchestra It was a pleasure to have so many friends from Fort Myers and elsewhere present at the above Service, and it is to be hoped they will continue coming to our Sunday evening Services, which have now been re- sumed and will continue until the hot weather next ~ summer. We had with us, in addition to guests from the immediate neighborhood, on the Birthday, Brother Alfred Graham and his son Lloyd, from Miami, Florida. Sister Ella Graham returned with them to Miami for a vacation. Harold Price Cook and Roger Rilleau, of New York 1 City, arrived in Estero on a motorcycle and were guests of the Unity for some days. Harl is a grandson of Doctor J. R. Price, and lived in the Unity for a while. The boys had a wonderful time while here, fishing and swimming. Harl contributes one story a month to the True Story magazine. It gives us great pleasure to announce in this issue e the return of Brother William F. Fischer, after an absence of two years from the Unity. Brother William believes implicitly in the Master, and says he is glad to get back home again; needless to say we are glad to have him, for his assistance is most urgently needed i at this time, especially in the agricultural department.