Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - November 1929:

THE AUTUMNAL FESTIVITIES in honor of our Beloved Shepherd were duly observed in the ~ -Solar Festival by the "little group" here at the Unity on the Eighteenth of October. It was very evid~nt from the. letters received from Koreshan adherents from coast to coast, that the day was a most sacred one with them too, for the tenor of all communi- cations was that while they regretted they could not be present with us in person, they gave assurance that they would be with us in spirit. This we felt at the reading of their appreciative letters during the dinner hour; and the volume of spiritual pabulum experienced was more than we can express in mere words. It is very heartening to us to know that we have such loyal supporters in the field. -Indeed, our efforts here would be up-hill work were it not for the loving devotion of our friends, and the pledge of their con- tinued assistance is a great encouragement to us. To quote from the writings of our Beloved Master in the October SWORD : "Every religious cause is supported by its devo- tees. ...Is Koreshanity any the less w.orthy, in the estimation of its friends, than any other of the r~lig- ious or scientific efforts that call for support from their many followers ?" The testimony of Koreshan adherents on this oc- casion testifies that ihe Master's work is uppermost in their thoughts; .but we would like it to be unanimously so; for the prophet Isaiah assures us that only CYRUS (KORESH) has the key to "the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places." We were indeed please.d to have with us for the occasion, Mrs. E. F. McKinney, of Kansas City, Mo. ; Messrs. Alfred Graham of Miami; Moses G. Weaver, St. Petersburg; A. Suhonen, N ew Port Richey, Florida ; also friends from Fort Myers and Alva, not forgetting those in the immediate vicinity. Mrs. McKinney was impulsed to come-.especially for the occasion; "'1 simply couldn't keep away," was the. way she put it; needless to say we were only too pleased to have her with us. The evening Service was the event of the day; the rostrum of the Art Hall was exquisitely decorated for the occasion; our Belove<;i Master's picture, beautifully decorated, occupying the center. Surely his invisible presence hovered over us, as was evident to those who truly desire his coming. Many friends have written for information con- cerning the storm that visited Florida the latter part , of September, and what damage, if any, was done to the Unity. Comparing the recent storm with the hur- ricaone of 1926, will say that the damage to our prop- erty was not as great, but the damage by the high winds to the trees and shrubbery was very noticeable to any who walk through our grounds. The greatest injury to the entire n(;!ighborhood, however, was the loss of about 75% of the citrus and other fruit crops ; and this was serious to those who depend on their fruit crop for their livelihood. Following is the program :

1 ORCHESTRA "Eleanor" Jessie L. Depper 2 SONG "The Resurrection" - Koresh Congregation 3 INVOCATION - Koresh Read by Brother Henry D. Silverfriend 4 ORCHESTRA "Bowl of Pansies". Jules Reynard 5 ORATION From the Writing$ of Koresh Sister Berthaldine 6 VOCAL QUARTET "Great Is the Lord" Jno. R. Sweney Brothers George W. Hunt, David J. Richards Chas. H. Hunt, and Jesse E. Putnam 7 ORATION From the Writings of Koresh Brother Henry D. Silverfriend 8 ORcHESTRA "Water Lilies" Floyd J. St. Clair 9 ORATION From the Writings of Koresh Sister Etta Silverfriend 10 VOCAL SOLO "We Await Thee" Adapted to Schubert's "Serenade" by Alice J. Lowe Brother David J. Richards 11 ORATION. From the Writings of Koresh Brother David J. Richards 12 ORCHESTRA "Dream of the Flowers" Chas. Cohe11 13 SONG "The Messenger" E .M. Castle Congregation 14 PRAYER Koresh Read by Brother George Hunt Response by the Congregation 15 ANTHEM "Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates" Congregation As a result of and an aftermath to the storm, the Unity power plant was put out of commission by a number of coils in the generator burning out. An ex- pert was hired to look over the situation; and when it was thought all was ready to start, the coils still gave way. The result was that the generator had to be sent to Tampa for repairs, which, with transportation and other costs, amounted to nearly $400.00. We have as guests at pr.esent, Brothers Daniel MacNamara and John Grier. "Mac" is busy assisting Brother Peter Blem with the garden, while Brother John makes himself generally useful in the park. Sister Cora Stephens, after a sojourn of about three months with relatives in North Carolina, re- turned home to the Unity much benefited by her vacation. Dr. James Russell Price and Sister Adah returned with Dr. Guild of St. Petersburg, Fla., from Chicago. The Price's went as far West as Nebraska. Dr. was much interviewed on the subject of Koreshan Univer- sology by northern papers while en route.