Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events -- November 1935
By Claude J. Rahn --------------------------------------------------------------------------
OUR ANNUAL observance of the Solar Festival marking the 96th birthday anniversary of our supremely distinguished leader, KORESH, was held on October 18th and was greatly enjoyed by all the home folks and our guests. The day was brilliant with sunshine, cool and invigorating. The park was unusually attractive with many varieties of flowering plants in full bloom. The grass had been cut, paths weeded and sharply denned and all litter scattered by recent storms removed. As usual our dining hall occupying the entire lower floor of the great building erected in 1895 was artistically decorated with slender bamboo and ornamental plants and flowers, and with us at dinner we had as guests the following: Mrs. Jennie Campbell, Mrs. Edith Trebell, Mrs. Julia Home, Mrs. Anna Lewis, Mrs. A. L. Camphausen, Miss Elin Lindberg, Miss Meta Monsees, Mrs. Cora Newcomb, Mrs. Lillian Rugg, Miss Genevieve Bisbing, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Fischer and four children, Richard Dumbleton and Jacob Bjorkman. The principal event of the day was the evening program in the Art Hall which was tastefully decorated for the occasion. Excellent and appropriate readings from the writings of KORESH were given, interspersed with congregational singing, violin and vocal solos, and the rendition of several selections by the orchestra of seven members that had been practicing for some weeks for the event. Following is the program of the evening.

1 OVERTURE, "Bridal Rose" Lavallee Orchestra 2 SONG, "The Resurrection" Koresh Congregation 3 INVOCATION Koresh Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend 4 "Spring Dreams" King Orchestra 5 ORATION Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend 6 VOCAL SOLO, "Jerusalem" Parker Brother David J. Richards 7 ORATION Koresh Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend 8 VIOLIN SOLO, "Adoration" Borowski L. W. Bubbett 9 ORATION Koresh Read by Brother David J. Richards 10 "A Summer Dream" Orchestra 11 SONG, "The Messenger" E. M. Castle Congregation 12 PRAYER Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend Response by the Congregation 13 SONG, "Lift Up Your Heads, 0 Ye Gates" Congregation 14 RECESSIONAL, MARCH, "Connecticut" Nassann Orchestra (Mrs. Edith Trebell, Piano Accompanist)

Sister Evelyn Bubbett passed away October 10, 1935, aged 81 years and 4 days, having been an invalid for more than two years. She first met and accepted KORESH as the Messianic personality of our era in the fall of 1886 when the latter arrived in Chicago, 111., and began the enunciation of his great universal truths. In April, 1887, she joined the Society Arch Triumphant, then recently formed, and when the first Koreshan communistic home was established in the fall of 1888 at 2 and 4 College Place, Chicago, she entered with her husband and children to remain ever afterward a faithful and devout member. For many years she was the treasurer of the Koreshan Unity, and manager of The Guiding Star Publishing House, in which capacity she was intrusted by KORESH with the editing of his writings for publication in THE FLAMING SWORD. She is. survived by two sons, LeRoy H. Bubbett of Winnetka, Illinois, and Laurence W. Bubbett of Estero, Florida. Sister Emily Bessemer is visiting relatives, in Washington, D. C., and New York City, having accompanied Miss Bertha M. Boomer and Mrs. Isadora Boulware on their motor trip north. They expect to return about the middle of November. Mr. Hans von Briesen of New York City visited us on October 8th and was much interested in Koreshan beliefs. Sister Elzina Woodbury celebrated her 86th birthday on October 10th by vigorously hoeing some obstinate weeds that persist in growing about her house. She is very active and her alert appearance belies her age. Mrs. Naomi Wallace a former member of the Koreshan Unity died in Fort Myers, Florida, on October 9, 1935. She is survived by her husband, Mr. W. Ross, Wallace, and daughter, Mrs. Ruth Frierson of Moore Haven, Fla. Miss Genevieve Bisbing of Fort Myers visited us several days round the Solar Festival and rendered much assistance in the preparations for that event. Mrs. Cora Newcomb of LaBelle, Florida, arrived on the seventeenth for a visit of several days. Sisters Adah Price and Florence Graham went to Miami, Florida, on the twenty-fifth for a week-end visit with friends.