The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - November 1937
By Lou H. Staton
THE SOLAR FESTIVAL, of October 18th, in honor of KORESH, formulater of the system of Koreshan "Universology" and Founder of the Koreshan Unity, was the occasion of the celebration of the 98th anniversary of his birth; beginning with the family prayer and grace at the morning breakfast, and the announcement of the program for the day. The noon feast was roast duck with all the trim- ming's, preceded of course by a, fitting grace and thanks to the provider of all good things. This grace was written some years ago by KORESH for just such an occasion; then the reading of telegrams and greetings from friends. Such festival days make some added burdens and duties for many of our older members, so we did not have as many g-uests present as. we very . much would like to have had on this day which with us marks another mile stone. Ice-cream and cake, hot and cold drinks were served in the evening from 5:30 to 6:30; then when the lights came on it began to be apparent how beau- tifully the Dining Hall and the Art Hall had been deco- rated. This decoration should be seen to be appreci- ated. The bamboo, palms, ferns and variegated potted plants with cuttings and flowers, of this semi-tropic land, offers great latitude for the decorators' fancy and whims, which make a gorgeous setting. All members and guests repaired to the Art Hall at 7:30 p. m. to commemorate the occasion by music, song-s, invocation, prayer and readings. The orations, in part herewith, are from the pen of KORESH. "Koreshans, in you resides, the hope of the world; in you the Temple of God, from the debris of many generations, puts forth its reconstructing energy; in you shall be laid again the foundations of the Temple, and in you shall the rising Sun of Righteousness ex- tend his beams. In you will a benighted world find a renewal of its light, its immortality, its throne, its kingdom, its everlasting dominion. "Let thy faithfulness restore humanity to its lost inheritance! Let thy fidelity presage and inaugurate the Kingdom of Righteousness! I have no disappointed hopes to bury in the grave of your infidelity, because in you are the precious Stones of the twelve Founda- tions- in you are the Gates of entrance into the City of your God, he whom you crown King of kings and Lord of lords. Enter thou through the g-ates into the Eternal City of our God." "We will pray for God to safely guide us, that all our steps may be in the pathway of his illumination; that another Festival will mark a brighter record and surer indication of the divine approval. "Pray earnestly that success shall attend all our efforts, and that we arise from glory to glory, until the perfect light which we now behold shall enable us to live approved of our God, adorned with that rig-hteous skill which will bring us into unity with that supreme order of which the Son of God was forever the High Priest." Guests for the day were: Mrs. Peyton Montgom- ery, Mrs. Hilda Lamb, Mrs. Alex. McKay and Mrs. Arthur Moore of Lakeland; Mrs. Jennie Campbell and daughter, Mrs. Edith Trebell, Mrs. Julia Home, Melba and Bobbie Home and Lillian Rugg- of E'stero; Mr. Marion W. Strickland of Fort Myers; Robert L. Graham, Lloyd T. Graham and L. W. Bubbett of Miami. Guests, for the evening- service were: Miss Cecil Hamilton, Miss Lydia Pierce, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Moreland and three sons, Floyd Moreland, W. Ross Wallace, Harry Manley and his mother, all of Fort Myers. Following is the program: 1 INSTRUMENTAL TRIO, Selected 2 SONG, "The Resurrection" Koresh Congregation 3 INVOCATION, Koresh Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend 4 VOCAL SOLO, "The Builder" Cadmen Raymond Pilgrim 5 ORATION, Koresh Read by Brother David J. Richards, 6 INSTRUMENTAL TRIO, Selected 7 ORATION, Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend 8 INSTRUMENTAL TRIO, Selected 9 ORATION, Koresh Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend 10 INSTRUMENTAL TRIO, Selected 11 SONG, "The Messeng-er" E. M. Castle Congregation 12 PRAYER, Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend Response by the Co,ng-reg-ation 13 SONG, "Lift Up Your Heads, 0 Ye Gates" Congregation 14 RECESSIONAL, Selected By Instrumental Trio Piano Accompanist for all local numbers Mrs. Edith Trebell, Estero, Instrumental Trio, Violin, Flute and Piano Mrs. Scott of Arcadia, Harold & Floyd Moreland of Ft. Myers. The weather was pleasant, the day being interspersed with a few light showers which were refreshing ; then the sun would shine again and all nature was cheerful as though smiling through her tears.
By Lou H. Staton
THE SOLAR FESTIVAL, of October 18th, in honor of KORESH, formulater of the system of Koreshan "Universology" and Founder of the Koreshan Unity, was the occasion of the celebration of the 98th anniversary of his birth; beginning with the family prayer and grace at the morning breakfast, and the announcement of the program for the day. The noon feast was roast duck with all the trim- ming's, preceded of course by a, fitting grace and thanks to the provider of all good things. This grace was written some years ago by KORESH for just such an occasion; then the reading of telegrams and greetings from friends. Such festival days make some added burdens and duties for many of our older members, so we did not have as many g-uests present as. we very . much would like to have had on this day which with us marks another mile stone. Ice-cream and cake, hot and cold drinks were served in the evening from 5:30 to 6:30; then when the lights came on it began to be apparent how beau- tifully the Dining Hall and the Art Hall had been deco- rated. This decoration should be seen to be appreci- ated. The bamboo, palms, ferns and variegated potted plants with cuttings and flowers, of this semi-tropic land, offers great latitude for the decorators' fancy and whims, which make a gorgeous setting. All members and guests repaired to the Art Hall at 7:30 p. m. to commemorate the occasion by music, song-s, invocation, prayer and readings. The orations, in part herewith, are from the pen of KORESH. "Koreshans, in you resides, the hope of the world; in you the Temple of God, from the debris of many generations, puts forth its reconstructing energy; in you shall be laid again the foundations of the Temple, and in you shall the rising Sun of Righteousness ex- tend his beams. In you will a benighted world find a renewal of its light, its immortality, its throne, its kingdom, its everlasting dominion. "Let thy faithfulness restore humanity to its lost inheritance! Let thy fidelity presage and inaugurate the Kingdom of Righteousness! I have no disappointed hopes to bury in the grave of your infidelity, because in you are the precious Stones of the twelve Founda- tions- in you are the Gates of entrance into the City of your God, he whom you crown King of kings and Lord of lords. Enter thou through the g-ates into the Eternal City of our God." "We will pray for God to safely guide us, that all our steps may be in the pathway of his illumination; that another Festival will mark a brighter record and surer indication of the divine approval. "Pray earnestly that success shall attend all our efforts, and that we arise from glory to glory, until the perfect light which we now behold shall enable us to live approved of our God, adorned with that rig-hteous skill which will bring us into unity with that supreme order of which the Son of God was forever the High Priest." Guests for the day were: Mrs. Peyton Montgom- ery, Mrs. Hilda Lamb, Mrs. Alex. McKay and Mrs. Arthur Moore of Lakeland; Mrs. Jennie Campbell and daughter, Mrs. Edith Trebell, Mrs. Julia Home, Melba and Bobbie Home and Lillian Rugg- of E'stero; Mr. Marion W. Strickland of Fort Myers; Robert L. Graham, Lloyd T. Graham and L. W. Bubbett of Miami. Guests, for the evening- service were: Miss Cecil Hamilton, Miss Lydia Pierce, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Moreland and three sons, Floyd Moreland, W. Ross Wallace, Harry Manley and his mother, all of Fort Myers. Following is the program: 1 INSTRUMENTAL TRIO, Selected 2 SONG, "The Resurrection" Koresh Congregation 3 INVOCATION, Koresh Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend 4 VOCAL SOLO, "The Builder" Cadmen Raymond Pilgrim 5 ORATION, Koresh Read by Brother David J. Richards, 6 INSTRUMENTAL TRIO, Selected 7 ORATION, Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend 8 INSTRUMENTAL TRIO, Selected 9 ORATION, Koresh Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend 10 INSTRUMENTAL TRIO, Selected 11 SONG, "The Messeng-er" E. M. Castle Congregation 12 PRAYER, Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend Response by the Co,ng-reg-ation 13 SONG, "Lift Up Your Heads, 0 Ye Gates" Congregation 14 RECESSIONAL, Selected By Instrumental Trio Piano Accompanist for all local numbers Mrs. Edith Trebell, Estero, Instrumental Trio, Violin, Flute and Piano Mrs. Scott of Arcadia, Harold & Floyd Moreland of Ft. Myers. The weather was pleasant, the day being interspersed with a few light showers which were refreshing ; then the sun would shine again and all nature was cheerful as though smiling through her tears.