Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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MR. AND MRS. Frank Daschek of Los Angeles, Calif., were dinner guests of the Unity on Thursday, July 22nd. Mrs. Daschek is: a sister of Brother Conrad Schlender and neither had seen each other for over thirty years; needless to say that the reunion was, a joyous one. Both Mr. and Mrs. Daschek were charmed and delighted with Estero with its beautiful stream and wealth, of tropical verdure. Mrs. Daschek is an accomplished piano player and was perfectly at home with our Steinway grand at theUnity Art Hall. For Auld Lang Syne, she got her brother Conrad to get out his violin, for as youngsters at home they played much together, and a delightful half hour was spent in the Art Hall. Mr. Daschek is a manufacturer of jewellery and has been in. business in Los Angeles for almost forty years, coming there from his native Bohemia, We wish the Dascheks could have remained longer with us, for they are "real folks," but their time was limited. Brother Conrad was their guest at the Franklin Arms in Fort Myers for two days, and Brother Alien Andrews did the honors, in driving them around the City of Palms and Estero Island. Mr. Robert Graham, with his sister, Mrs. Victor Phillips and her daughter, Florence Marie, spent the third and fourth of July in Estero; visiting their mother and sister, Sisters Ella and Florence Graham, and their numerous friends here in the Unity. Since their visit, Sister Florence Graham, our efficient linotype operator, has been on a two weeks vacation with her kin folks in Miami, returning on Monday July 26, with Brother Alien Andrews, and feels much rejuvenated from the outing. The Knights Templars held their fortieth Triennial Conclave in the Magic City, the third week in July and Miami' was lavishly decorated for the occasion and naturally the visiting Sir Knights from all over the United States and Canada made things merry. The grand parade along Biscayne Bay and up Flagler Street, Sister Florence says, was an ever memorable spectacle and one of the grandest things ever pulled off in Miami. Her two brothers, Lloyd and Robert, are both members of the Knights Templars in Miami.