Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - November 1936
By D.J. Richards
THE ANNUAL SOLAR Festivities are now in the past, but the pleasant memory of the day will always remain. To begin with, the weather was as ideal as one could wish and the Unity members met as usual for the morning repast at the dining hall, each dressed in their best and displaying the Koreshan colors of red, green and gold. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion. An im- pressive prayer, from the writings of KORESH was read by Brother George W. Hunt, and after a hearty breakfast, a most beautiful tribute to the memory of our Illustrious Leader, written by N. C. Critcher, was read by Brother Henry D. Silverfriend, the first para- graph of which reads as follows: "October, sacred month which saw the advent of the world's new hope; month associated with all that is holiest and dearest to the hearts of Koreshans! The name brings sweet memories of all the years that we were privileged to walk with KORESH, and listen to his words of love and wisdom; to feel his tender care and toleration of our many follies and shortcomings,— never irritated by them, never ^bruising the broken reed, nor quenching the smoking flax/ but ever giving the encouraging word and ready smile, till at last, hav- ing endured unto the end, through endless hours of agonizing suffering, he laid himself upon the altar, the sacrifice for a world which rejected and maligned him." (F. S., Oct. 1911.) At the noon hour we again gathered at the dining hall, where a sumptuous dinner of roast duck with all the trimmings, had been prepared by our most efficient cook, Sister Ida M. Fischer. Too much, by way of praise, can not be said of Sister Ida, for she has been the mainstay of the Unity's culinary department for some years and performs this arduous service with love and "untiring devotion." The ducks, of which there were twenty-one, was the gift of Sister Lillian Rugg, who has, resided in Estero for many years and whose devotion to the Master is simply unquestionable. Sister Lillian has. the Unity's most sincere gratitude for her contribution. We had as guests for the Festival, Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano and Mrs. Marie McConnell of Tampa; Miss Bertha M. Boomer of Punta Blanca; Messers Robert Graham and Lawrence Bubbett of Miami; Mr. R. Percy Jones of Fort Myers, and from Estero: Mrs. P. W. Campbell, Edith Trebell, Mrs. Eleanor Castle and her granddaughter, Dawn Castle, Mrs. Lillian Rugg, and Messers Gustave Faber, Richard Dumbleton and Jacob Bjorkman. In the afternoon, Miss Lydia Pierce of Fort Myers made a friendly call, and regretting her inability to be with us at the evening Service. Ice cream and cake was served for the evening repast and after that the Commemorative Service, at the Art Hall, the program of which follows: 1 PIANO DUET, "Andantino" Hummel Edith Trebell and Raymond Pilgrim 2 SONG, "The Resurrection" Koresh Congregation 3 INVOCATION, Koresh Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend 4 VOCAL SOLO, "Out of the Depths" Wooler Raymond Pilgrim 5 ORATION, Koresh Read by Brother David J. Richards 6 PIANO DUET, "The Glow Worm" Lincke Edith Trebell and Raymond Pilgrim 7 ORATION, Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend 8 VOCAL SOLO, "The Holy City" Adams Brother David J. Richards 9 ORATION, Koresh Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend 10 VOCAL DUET, "The Lord Is My Shepherd^ Smart D. J. Richards and R. Pilgrim 11 SONG, "The Messenger" E. M. Castle Congregation 12 PRAYER, Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend Response by the Congregation 13 SONG, "Lift Up Your Heads, 0 Ye Gates" Congregation 14 RECESSIONAL, "Qui Vive" Ganz Edith Trebell and Raymond Pilgrim Mrs. Edith Trebell, Piano Accompanist Raymond Pilgrim, a new name to our readers, and prominently featured in the above program, has a very pleasing baritone voice and his rendering of "Out of the Depths" was very well done. The duet with the writer, in addition to those on the piano with Edith Trebell, surely .added greatly to our Service. Raymond arrived in Estero on Monday, October 1, from Muscatione, Iowa, and his coming was just like an answer to prayer, for he came prepared to perform uses to the neighbor and he has done this with a devotion that is truly sublime. He expects to be with us a little over a month, and says he wishes he could remain longer, but obligations compel him to return north. However, we hope he has sufficient "sand in his shoes" to want to return, and we can assure him that no one will be more welcome, for he is exceedingly well liked by all. We were delighted that Sister Ella Graham, returned home on Saturday the 17th, having spent the summer in the Magic City of Miami. Mr. Roger Perry of White House, Florida, arrived in Estero, on October 15th and hopes to make his home with us in the Unity. He is much pleased with Estero and we hope sufficient to want to stay.